what is Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption? Easiest explanation EVER! (With Example)

Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption is a concept that emphasizes the power of imagination in shaping our reality. It basically states that what we assume to be true is what we ultimately experience.

Neville Goddard law of assumption

Here are the core tenets of the Law of Assumption:

  • Imagination is key: By vividly imagining yourself already having what you desire, you set the wheels in motion for it to manifest in reality. It's about feeling the emotions and sensations of already possessing your desire.
  • Focus on the feeling: Just thinking about what you want isn't enough. You need to cultivate the emotions and sensations of already having it. This emotional alignment with your desire is what truly attracts it into your life.
  • Live the end: Imagine yourself already having achieved your goal. Don't dwell on the "how" of it manifesting, just focus on the feeling of fulfillment.

Goddard's Law of Assumption is similar to the Law of Attraction, but with a stronger emphasis on the role of imagination and embodying the desired state.

The Law of Assumption has been criticized for seeming too simplistic or unrealistic. However, proponents argue that it's about cultivating a mindset that is open to possibilities and actively working towards your desires through focused imagination and positive belief.

One of Neville Goddard's most famous examples of the Law of Assumption is his story about his trip to Barbados. He deeply desired to visit the island but lacked the funds. Instead of focusing on the obstacle (money), he used the Law of Assumption.

Here's how he applied it:

  • Vivid Visualization: He spent time each day vividly imagining himself on the beaches of Barbados. He pictured the scenery, felt the warm sand beneath his feet, and smelled the tropical air.
  • Embodiment of the Feeling: He focused on the emotions of relaxation and joy he would experience on the trip. He internalized the feeling of being in Barbados as if it were already happening.

According to Goddard's account, shortly after consistently practicing these techniques, he received an unexpected opportunity that allowed him to fulfill his dream vacation to Barbados.


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