Why is CrossFit considered as Dangerous Workout & Is it Safe? (2021)
Why is CrossFit considered as dangerous Workout & is it safe?
Why is CrossFit considered as dangerous workout, now that's a very frequently asked question by all the CrossFit beginners and athletes all around the world. Everyday more and more people are joining the CrossFit boxes all around the world. Even after the opinions of so many health
experts & body builders that CrossFit is dangerous its popularity is
increasing day by day especially among the youths. All because of two reasons:
· CrossFit has a strong group of
admirers & follower who encourage other people to join the CrossFit
training to achieve their fitness goals.
· These followers market it across all
platforms with complete perfection, convince people by wearing the branded CrossFit t-shirts & clothes.
That’s why people are getting attracted towards it at a very
fast pace. Because it seems “cool”. But is it that good? Being completely
honest with you, these weight trainings, highly intense CrossFit workouts,
powerlifts do affect our body in a bad way. That’s why people who are really
concerned about their health have started raising the question that ‘Is CrossFit dangerous?’.
So, that’s why in this article I am gonna share with you guys
some reasons why CrossFit isn’t the best workout regimen for you. I am not
saying that it’s not good for everyone out there but why majority of the
population should avoid getting involved in this highly intense training regime
and why CrossFit sucks.
So, I am gonna share with you some problems with CrossFit
& how safe is CrossFit.
1. Many times it takes you off-track from
your fitness goals-
Now you all must be feeling a little bit confused so let’s understand it with a
small example. Let’s say you are preparing for a race or a marathon. Marathon
runners need a lean body with high stamina which simply means a light body with
full of energy and stamina. Well, to increase stamina you do not need to
include a lot of weights in your exercises cause you don’t want to bulk up. You
need a light body weight. But if you do it the CrossFit way, then at first you
will try to keep on track, train for your competition or marathon to increase your
stamina but slowly & slowly you will not even notice that when your stamina
training changed into weight training or body building. That’s the irony with
the CrossFit.
2. It leads to postural issues- CrossFit is a highly intense
workout regimen with functional dynamic movements. It’s meant to push your body
to its utter limits which lead to postural issues in absolutely every CrossFit athlete.
It is one of the CrossFit problems. I would say that if you have any health
issues with your body or movement issues for example lets say hip mobility or freezing
of shoulder, I would recommend you to stay away from CrossFit or if you are a CrossFit
practitioner then take a break of a week or two and talk to your doctor. I mean
according to my experience I have seen many people developing poor posture.
3. They smell of sweat, chalk & iron- CrossFit gyms which are known as ‘boxes’
smell of sweat, chalk & iron. All CrossFit gyms look badass from outside,
like we think that they would be full of heavy weight machines but on the other
hand, you will get to see only barbells, pull-up bars, giant heavy hammers and
tyres. Yup that’s right and a lot of injured athletes.
4. Lack of compound barbell exercises
experience- So, the
first thing you should know is that the CrossFit is full of barbell exercises
and movements like squats, overhead presses to more complicated exercises like
cleans & snatches. But here comes the main problem. Most of the people don’t
do it in the right form or posture which in turn leads to heavy injuries. This
usually happens because people start adding more weight in their workouts even
before properly learning the posture. So take your time, learn the basics and
then go forward with your workout. Listen to your body and if it’s saying no
then it would be best to leave it cause CrossFit is not meant for everyone.
5. Lack of access to a perfect CrossFit
gym or trainer- Now,
its absolutely true that CrossFit gyms are open all around the world. But how
many of them do have coaches or trainers who are actually reliable? Out of 100,
less then 50%. They all claim to be well experienced with the CrossFit
exercises or programs but that’s a lie! Performing CrossFit exercises without a
experienced trainer is a call for disaster. But at the same time, finding a
perfect coach is also very difficult. So, if you are not in contact with a
experienced coach its best not to do it.
Controversy behind CrossFit- The dark side of CrossFit
Maybe more
than any other workout or exercise, CrossFit has consistently been encircled by
controversies all around the world. Established in 2000 by Greg Glassman,
CrossFit is an exceptional dynamic movement exercise that consolidates cardiovascular
exercises with strength training for short periods yet very troublesome. These
intense sessions are called workouts of the day or WODs. Usually these WODs
include exercises like weighted squats, weighted push-ups, Olympic weightlifting
etc. The programme accentuates scaling activities to people for their own
growth but the people who go against it say that’s not the situation. Well, according to them they can state the reasons as to why CrossFit is considered as dangerous workout or what's wrong with CrossFit.
Boyle, as we all
know is a world famous Boston trainer who trains Olympic athletes & works
for the Boston’s professional sports teams. He says that: “I don’t believe exercise
at that intensity is appropriate for most people”. While Boyle says that he do
upholds a few aspects of CrossFit for example- multi-joint exercises & some
circuit trainings with short intervals in between but he adds that the
framework isn’t ok for the normal people highlighting the fact that the CrossFit uses its own insurance policy as potential evidence for its dangers.
of cynics like Boyle who was first brought into the CrossFit controversies when
the military became worried about the high pace of injuries related with CrossFit for its personnel and consulted him as a specialist- results came out
in favour of CrossFit.
Indeed, even
Callahan concedes that legitimate scaling doesn’t generally occur in CrossFit
because numerous teachers are not qualified enough. According t him it happens
because a lot of trainers out there are not qualified enough. And on the other
hand, normal people are not ready to handle that much pressure.
Is CrossFit Safe? Benefits & Risks of CrossFit
studies have been conducted around CrossFit and it turns out that it is relatively
safer than the traditional training methods. Recently a study was published in
the orthopaedic journal of sports medicine according to which it surveyed a
total of 3000 CrossFit participants from which 30% of the participants reported
physical injury while doing CrossFit exercises. All of the injuries were
commonly defined as tendon, bone, joint or ligament injury sustained while
doing CrossFit that resulted in a consultation with a physician. I would
recommend that before starting with CrossFit, you should do some research on
the benefits & risks of CrossFit or why is CrossFit considered as dangerous workout.
Is CrossFit more dangerous than other workouts or weightlifting?
So, a lot of
people now days are asking this question whether CrossFit is more dangerous
than other workouts or is CrossFit more dangerous then weightlifting. Now we
all know that it is a combination of functional dynamic movements performed at
a high intensity level and it has attracted people from all over the globe.
studies have been conducted regarding the health effects of the CrossFit on our
body which give evidence of pretty indecent injuries. But ‘Is CrossFit
really more dangerous than other workouts?’. Let’s have a look.
· According to a case report of 2013 in
the ophthalmological medicine, a 25 years old patient was presented to the
doctors with a detached retina. This happened while he was using an elastic resistance
band for CrossFit training and it snapped him back in his eye. But by god’s
grace, his retina was successfully reattached.
· Moving forward, we found that in an
article published in CrossFit journal Greg Glassman described a condition what
he calls as: rhabdomyolysis. So what happens in this condition is when you train
so hard even more then what you are capable of & crossing all your limits
in a short period of time, your muscle fibbers break down and get released into
your bloodstreams which leads to kidney failure and even death.
· According to a research conducted and
published in the journal of sports medicine, it was found that men get more
injured then women while working out in the CrossFit boxes. This research was
conducted in the 3 major cities of America: New York, Rochester &
Philadelphia. CrossFit men reported sustaining more injuries than women.
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