What’s Holding Back Healthcare Transformation/Innovation in the 21st Century?
What’s Holding Back Healthcare Innovation in the 21st Century?
Looking iback iat i2020, ithere iwas ian iexplosion iin ithe iadvancement iof idigital itechnologies, iespecially iaround iclinical itrials iwhere iadoption iof iremote imonitoring, ivirtual ivisits, ielectronic icase ireport iforms i(eCRF) iand ie-consent itools ibecame istandard ifor ithe isafety iof ipatients iand isuccess iof itrials iin ithe iface iof ia iglobal ipandemic. iDuring ithose i12 imonths, ipharmaceutical icompanies ialso ibegan ipursuing imore itargeted idigital ihealth iinnovations, imoving ibeyond ithe ipill ito iextend ithe ivalue ibeing idelivered ito ipatients. iIn ieach itherapeutic iarea, idifferent imechanisms iare ieffective ifor iproviding ipatient ieducation, iside ieffect imanagement, iadvanced itherapeutic ivalue, imedication icompliance iand iimproved ioutcomes.
Impact of Covid-19 on Healthcare Industry
As iwe iprogress iinto i2021 iand ibeyond, ithere iare ino isigns iof ithis inew idigital iera islowing. iOn ithe icontrary, ithe iemergence iof idigital ihealth itechnologies iis imore iprominent ithan iever ias iCOVID-19 ihas iforced ius ito irethink, iadapt, iand iinnovate ithe idelivery iof ihealth icare iin iways iwe icould inot ihave ipreviously iimagined, ihastening ithe imanifestation iof ithese inew itechnologies.
And iwhile ithe idigital ihealth iplaying ifield iis iaccelerating, iit iis ialso ishifting ifrom ibroad ihealth iand iwellness iapps ito iclinical-grade idigital ihealth isolutions iwhich idirectly iimpact ipatient ioutcomes iin icondition-specific iareas–both idiagnostically iand itherapeutically. iThese iclinical-grade idigital ihealth isolutions iwill ibe irequired ito iquantify ithe iimpact iof itheir itechnologies iwith idata ithat ivalidates iimproved ihealth ioutcomes iin iorder ito iachieve iFood iand iDrug iAdministration i(FDA) iapproval, ias iwell ias iprovider iand ipayer iacceptance.
Truth ibe itold, iwe ihave ijust iscratched ithe isurface ias iwe ibuild ion ithe itechnologies iin iplace iwhile icontinuing ito iinvest iand iengage iwith iemerging idigital isolutions. iIt iis iimportant ito ipoint iout ithat ithe iimplementation iof inew itechnologies iwill ioften irequire ipartnerships, ifor iit’s ithrough icollaboration iand iharnessing ithe ipower iof idiverse ithinking ithat iwe ican imake ithe igreatest iglobal iimpact iand irevolutionize iwhat iwas ionce iconsidered iimpossible. iThis inew idigital ihealth iera ialigns iperfectly iwith iour iperseverance iand ifierce idetermination, iregardless iof isetbacks, ito idevelop inovel inew itherapies ion ibehalf iof ipatients iand itheir ifamilies.
The ilife isciences iindustry iis iunder iconsiderable ipressure ito iembrace idigital iinnovation ito imeet ithe ichallenges iof ithe iCOVID-19 ipandemic iand iother imarketplace iforces, iaccording ito ia inew ireport ipublished itoday iby iInformation iServices iGroup i( iISG i) i(Nasdaq: iIII i), ia ileading iglobal itechnology iresearch iand iadvisory ifirm. i“Unprecedented ichallenges icaused iby ithe iCOVID-19 ipandemic iare ipushing ithe idigital ienvelope ito icover iall iaspects iof ipatient iengagement, itelemedicine iand iareas iof idrug idevelopment ithat iwere ionce iconsidered ioff ilimits,” isaid iJenn iStein, ipartner iand ileader, iISG iLife iSciences. i“These inew iapproaches iare itaking ihold iin ian ienvironment iwhere iregulatory ihurdles iand icost ipressures ihave inever ibeen ihigher.” iLife isciences ifirms ihave ibeen iusing icontract iresearch iorganizations, ior iCROs, ifor idecades iin ioutsourcing irelationships, ithe ireport inotes. iHowever, iimprovements iin itechnology iand iaccompanying icost ireductions ihave iled imany ibiopharma icompanies ito iincreasingly irely ion iCRO ipartners ifor imore istrategic iand ibusiness-critical iactivities. iIn iaddition, imanufacturing isupply ichain ifunctions iare iincreasingly ibeing icovered iin ioutsourcing iagreements iin ithe ilife isciences iindustry, ithe ireport isays. iThis ioutsourced isupply ichain ioften iengages iwith ia iglobal inetwork iof icontract imanufacturers ifor ithe iproduction iand idistribution iof imedical idevices, idrugs, ivaccines iand itests. iDigital itransformation iplays ian iimportant irole iin ithis iarea ibecause isupply ichains iare ibecoming iincreasingly iautomated, iusing iconnected isensors iand iintelligent iautomation ito iimprove iefficiencies.
The ireport ialso ifinds ithe iCOVID-19 ipandemic ihas iincreased ithe idirect iinteractions ibetween idrug imanufacturers, ihealthcare iproviders iand ipatients. iThese iinteractions iwill icontinue ieven ias ithe ipandemic isubsides ibecause iof ithe inow-proven iefficiencies, icost isavings iand iimproved ipatient-centricity ithey ihave icreated. iWith iwider iadoption iof itechnologies isuch ias itelemedicine iand iremote imonitoring, ifew ihealthcare iproviders iand ipatients iwill ibe iwilling ito igo iback ito ipre-pandemic idelivery imodels. iBut idelivering idigital iservices ifor ilife isciences ican ibe icomplex, ithe ireport isays, irequiring iextensive isupport iand iservices ifrom isuitable iproviders. iIn iaddition ito ithe iCROs, itraditional iIT iproviders iare iimportant iplayers iin ithis imarket. iThese itwo igroups iof iproviders ihave ioffered iconverging iproducts iand iservices iin irecent iyears.
Technological Advancements in Healthcare sector
Several iCROs ihave ideveloped isophisticated iIT icapabilities iin iresponse ito iclient idemand ifor iadvanced itechnological isolutions. iAt ithe isame itime, itraditional iIT iproviders iare iworking ito idevelop ideeper iexpertise iin ilife isciences ito ioffer icomprehensive isolutions ispecific ito ithe iindustry. iIn iaddition, iCROs iand iIT iproviders iare iincreasingly icombining itheir irespective icapabilities ito imeet ithe ichanging idemands iof ilife isciences iclients. i
When iconsidering isocial ideterminants iof ihealth, iwe ioften ilook iat icore ineeds ithat iimpact ia iperson’s iability ito iremain ihealthy, ilike ifood, imedicine, ieducation, iand itransportation. iBut irecent isurveys ihave ifound ithere’s ialso ia i“digital idivide” ithat istands ibetween ipatients iand ibetter icare. iData iexists ithat ican ihelp ipatients iachieve ibetter ihealthcare, ibut ithe iindustry iitself imust iensure ithat ithis idata iis iavailable, iaccessible, iand iunderstood. iOrganizations iand iproviders ioften ihave iaccess ito isome iof ithe idata iin iquestion; ithe ikey, ithough, iis iconnecting ihealthcare istakeholders iand ipatients ito icomplete iinformation ithat ienables iinformed idecisions, iwhich ithe iindustry ihas inot iyet iperfected. i
So, iin ithe iend iI iwould ilike ito isay ithat ithe iCovid-19 ipandemic ihas imade ithe iworld irealise ithat iwe ineed ito iinnovate i& idevelop inew ipowerful ihealthcare isystems iand itechnologies ito ifight ithe ifuture ihealthcare idisasters imore ieffectively.
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