TOP 10 CrossFit Workouts for 2021

Front squat

 CrossFit Workouts are prime and prepared workouts that involve wide-ranging dynamic movements like Lifting, Climbing, rowing with weights which are often done with high intensity. Yes, they can definitely be done without weights but a lot of people prefer to do them with weights to add on to their core strength. CrossFit is not merely talking about squats or push ups, it includes a wide range of vigorous exercises and movements which burn the calories at a much faster rate than the normal workouts. CrossFit circuit training exercises keep your body fit and full of stamina and increase blood flow to all parts of the body. CrossFit workouts make your muscles more flexible and help them in adapting to new functional movements.

CrossFit workouts are really intense, that's why your heart always remains elevated all the time. As a result, the heart's enduring power increases. On the other hand, sufficient supply of oxygen increases the pumping rate which in turn leads to a healthy heart. CrossFit is not just a training programme, its a way of life. These workouts are not merely done for the sole purpose of pump in your arms or to flaunt it off, rather its done to boost your health to the next level.

So that's why, today I am gonna share with you a list of top 10 CrossFit Workouts you can do to take your health to a next level and look Badass:

  •     Front Squat

  Front Squat is a very popular CrossFit workout, all you have to do is:

  1. Stand Completely Straight with legs apart.
  2. Place the bar on the chest level and your fingers should be below it.
  3. Now at a medium pace, push your hips back and your butt out.
  4. Repeat it for 10 reps.  
  • Kettle Bell Swings:
Kettle bell swings

 Kettle Bells are extremely useful for a high intensity workout.

  1. Place a kettle bell right in front of you.
  2. Stand with your feet a little wider apart than your shoulder width.
  3. With both your hands, grab the handle of your kettle bell.
  4. Now swing the kettle bell between your legs with a straight back, lower your body.
  5. Now swing it back up with a pull to the shoulder height, straight in front of you.
  6. And then return back to the initial position completing 5 sets.
  • Cindy Circuit Workouts
        Cindy circuit workouts are one of the best circuit workouts ever build. In this breath taking workout you have to complete as many rounds as you can do.

  1. 5 sets of pull ups
  2. 5 sets of push ups
  3. 10 sets of squats
  • Murph
Circuit training

 You can say Murph is an extremely advanced form of CrossFit workout routine. You have to do a lot more exercise and in return burn a lot more calories.

  1. 1 mile run
  2. 100 push ups
  3. 50 pull ups
  4. 300 squats
  5. 50 push ups as an ending part of the exercise
  • Grace
      Grace is a CrossFit Benchmark workout. Grace is also one of the best known CrossFit workout. It is just 30 cleans and jerks for time with 135lbs for men and 95lbs for women.

  • Barbell Deadlift
     This exercise is for beginners using a barbell.

  1. Stand with your legs wide apart.
  2. Squat down and lift the barbell with your both hands.
  3. keep your chest up and pull your shoulders back.
  4. Keep your body straight and lift the bar.
  5. Focus on pulling the weight back and forth.
  6. Repeat 5 sets.
  • Helen
      Don't get surprised, it is not as sweet as the name suggests, this is an intense CrossFit workout which involves

  1. 400 meters run
  2. 25 kettle bells
  3. 20 pull ups 
  • Shoulder press
shoulder press

Shoulder press is a quite easy but effective exercise for shoulders. Workout of the day.

  1. Stand straight with feet and shoulder wide apart.
  2. Place your hands slightly apart from shoulder width on the bar.
  3. Hold the bar at the shoulder level.
  4. Now slowly extend the arms above your head and lift the bar.
  5. Repeat 5 sets.
       As the name suggests filthy fifty are extremely intense CrossFit workouts and very hard to do. This type of advanced circuit workout is strictly prohibited for beginners.

  1. 50 box jumps
  2. 50 jumping pull ups
  3. 50 kettle bell swings
  4. 50 knees to elbows
  5. 50 push presses
  6. 50 back extensions
  7. 50 wall ball shots
  8. 50 burpees
  • Josie
    Josie is popular for burning the fat at much faster rate than other normal workouts. It helps in burning a lot of calories, helps in weight loss and improved heart rate.

  1. One mile running with a weighted vest.
  2. 50 Burpees
  3. 10 Front squats
  4. 50 push ups
  5. End it with a one mile run.                                                      





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